
There is no blueprint.  Everything we have done, seen, experienced, and learned up until now  —  and onward, has been and will continue to be without specific direction.  Sure, we likely envisioned a path or had a feeling that moving one way or another felt more forgiving or perhaps “right,” but those actions were done by us.  Even if someone (perhaps a parent or guide), was forcing or inching us a specific way, we were the ones who acted upon it and those decisions brought us to our now.  And although advice, support, and love has helped tremendously along the way, your “now” has been the result of you and your choices. 

And it is with that, that I sit here stumped on why many of us are constantly in search of answers and a blueprint to lead the way.  Imagine your fingers, unraveling a slightly wrinkled map, embodying the highest level of wisdom.  As you slowly open the map, you notice pieces of a CandyLand Game.  You take your character and move them across the board, likely navigating a few hurtles and obstacles but ultimately bringing your piece to the finish line.  You then read, “You Are Here,” and your eyes, once zoomed out, zoom in.  For the duration of the game, you’ve had a Birdseye view of your challenges and blocks, and you saw how to navigate them.  You had a clear direction that you were heading in and could see what was ahead of you in its entirety.  To no surprise, when you were done and reached your finish line, you realized you had no idea to navigate forward without this guide.

If we had a blueprint or a map, presumably life would be easier.  We would likely get bored with the stagnancy since we would know exactly where we are headed and the obstructions in our route from miles away.  Rather than feeling every ounce of our emotion, we would lack zest and warmth from overcoming challenges.  We would likely not feel the emotions that connect us to one another that in turn, allow us to dive deeper within ourselves.  If we had a blueprint, the world would be black and white without the brilliant colors that give our imagination a paintbrush on this canvas we call life.  If we had a map, perhaps we wouldn’t be pushed to achieve heights only dreamed of because we would already know where life starts and where it ends and what happens along the way.  Lastly, if we knew our direction, would we be able to change it if we didn’t like where it was headed? 

Enjoy every ounce of these hurdles, for only you have the power to change them.

Love & Light


Expectations vs. Possibility